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Digital Supply Chain Readiness is the maturity of a business, or part of a business, or an individual in optimising its use of digital technologies to achieve its supply chain objectives. We have developed a framework for the Digital Supply Chain Hub to help manufacturing businesses to assess their readiness. It is based on the principles of Digital Readiness established in British Standards' PAS1040:2019.

The framework has five dimensions:

  • Leadership – a clear vision for how the business will use data and digital technologies, and a culture which encourages innovation.
  • People – access to the skills needed to adopt and use data and digital technology in the business, through recruitment and investment in training; and access to data to manage workforce performance.
  • Operations – processes and policies to manage the use of data and digital technology; and access to data to manage operational performance.
  • Technology – awareness of which digital technologies are relevant; and ensuring appropriate infrastructure and support is available for adoption.
  • Partners – collaboration with customers, suppliers and service providers on use of data and digital technology; and access to data to manage performance.

This short course will take you through each of the dimensions and provides practical examples, guidance on how to improve your readiness as well as case studies and links to relevant articles. Each section includes an interactive exercise which you can download to complete in your own time and with your team. We have included the full workbook below for your reference. At the end of the course you can complete a short questionnaire which will give you an indicative view of your current readiness, practical actions and content for further reading.

Digital Supply Chain Readiness Workbook


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